  1. Goto your store

    Goto http://l3-books.shopnix.org in your favourite browser.
  2. Select products

    You can quickly add items by clicking on the "Add to Cart" button which appears below the product. 

    You can also add items by clicking on the product nameand selecting the number of items to add. Don't forget to click Add to Cart

  3. Checkout cart

    Click the checkout button on the top right of the page to checkout your cart. 

    Make sure you verify your cart contents and provide a valid delivery address and time 
    Your order is now placed!
  4. We Deliver!

    Once you have placed the order, we simply deliver it to your address as per your selected time!
    All you have to do is pay Cash on Delivery!
    If you are not happy, we simply take back the items, no questions asked! And, we have a 15 days return policy!
  1. So what are you waiting for?  Start Shopping
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